A place where you are welcome…
With your faith and your doubts…
To pursue answers and ask questions…
To meet a Christian community…
Just as you are.
Adult Book Study
Contact: Leslie Lucas
Phone: 651-292-1913
Adult Book Study meets the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00 – 8:30PM in the Parish Center Library. Book(s) decided on by the group.
Women’s Spirituality Group
Contact: Kim Myers, Parish Administrator
Phone: 651-224-7998
This is a group of women seeking spiritual growth in a group setting. Members meet once a week in small groups from September through May on Tuesdays from 5 – 6:30PM or on Thursday mornings from 9:30 – 11AM (Summer hours decided on by group). The two groups merge for outings (retreats, movies, dinner, and other events).
Centering Prayer
Contact: Mark Thiel
Phone: 651-647-6675
This group meets on the First and Third Thursday of each month, 7-8:30PM, in the Parish Center Library. Retreats on Centering Prayer offered throughout the year.
Carmel Roll Sundays
Contact: Kim Myers
Phone: 651-224-7998
Caramel Roll Sunday is held on the second Sunday of the month from October through May. Carmel rolls are served after the 8 AM and 10AM Masses in the church hall. Three teams of volunteers set up on Saturday, bake the rolls Sunday, and serve from 9 AM – Noon (two shifts). More volunteers are needed with a time commitment of three shifts per year.
Knitting and Crochet Group
Contact: Carolyn Kostolnik
Phone: 651-483-9107
Help other stay warm this winter. This group meets in the parish center one Saturday a month. Call Carolyn for dates. This group makes mittens, hats, baby blankets, etc. for the Christmas Sharing Tree and other charitable organizations. Come when you can; beginners welcome. Supplies provided.
Volunteer Ministry
Contact: Kim Myers
Phone: 651-224-7998
Volunteers provide a variety of outreach and ministry services to members who are homebound, hospitalized, or in nursing homes. In addition, volunteers tape Mass, serve communion, and provide dinners. Volunteers serve in their preferred area and the times are set depending on the need in most cases.
Funeral Lunches
Contact: Barbara Johnson
Phone: 651-699-8140
Funeral luncheons are held in the Parish Hall. Volunteers set up the hall and tables, assist in laying out food provided by family, or caterers, and clean up afterwards. Three to four volunteers are needed for up to six hours per luncheon.
Funeral Choir
Contact: Barb Johnson
Phone: 651-216-3295
Resurrection Choir. Join us to sing at funerals. No practice, come when you can, no commitment! We sing familiar songs.
Parish Library
Contact: Claudia Bredemus
Phone: 651-454-4235
The St. Stan’s Library has a wide range of books on spirituality, family, healing, Catholicism, social justice, and much more! The library is located in the Parish Center, across from the church rectory. It is open after 10 a.m. Mass on the first Sunday of every month. Books can be checked out for 2 months at a time.
Community Outreach Group
Contact: Pat Tommet
Phone: Pat 651-698-1969
This group has formed to partner with staff in charity and social justice efforts, grow the ministry, and address social justice issues. The group meets in the church hall between 8AM and 10AM Masses on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome.
Loaves and Fishes
Contact: Terry Alvarado
Phone: 651-224-5110
Volunteers from St. Stan’s join with other area church volunteers to provide meals on a monthly basis at St. Mathew’s School on the West Side.
Youth Group
Contact: Leslie Lucas
Phone: 651-292-1390
Youth group is for kids in grades 7 – 12. It is a place for youth to grow in themselves, in the community, and in Christ. Confirmation preparation is done every three years. Meetings are held each week and special events (retreats, service projects, trips to Boundary Waters, and service trips) are planned throughout the year. New members are always welcome!
Religious Education
Contact: Leslie Lucas
Phone: 651-292-1913
Religious education programs (Sunday School, Reconciliation, Preparation for First Communion) are offered during and before Sunday Mass during school year months for preschoolers through sixth grade. Registration occurs in early September. Youth and adult volunteers are needed as teachers and helpers. The Craft Fair is held the first Sunday in October as a fundraiser for religious education programs.
Adult Choir
Contact: John Cavanaugh
Phone: 651-492-3359
The adult choir rehearses and sings every 2nd and 4th Sunday from September through May from 9AM – Noon (including 10AM Mass). The choir is open for at least 20 members. Anyone who likes to sing is invited to participate with a commitment of one season.