Dear New Parishioner,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to St. Stanislaus. At St. Stanislaus we have as our mission to welcome people just as they are. We do this imperfectly, but this is our goal. We welcome people who are struggling with various issues with the church. I invite you to tell me your story about this or any other matters that are of concern to you. I will listen to you without judging you and help you find insight if that is what you would like. We are all broken people. Understanding this is essential for our spiritual growth.
As you become more familiar with what programs and volunteer opportunities St. Stanislaus has to offer. As you become more acquainted with us, you may find an area in which to share your talent and time with us.
We offer many fun events throughout the year. In June we host a Spring Fundraiser, including a polka mass, pork dinner, and raffle. And in September, we host our Fall Festival, complete with turkey dinner, games, auctions, and giveaways. We also invite you to participate in many other fun programs throughout the year including caramel roll Sundays, trivia night, Lenten activities, the craft fair, and many more!
Please also let us know what else we can do for you. We welcome your ideas, thoughts and suggestions.
Smile, God Loves You,
The staff and community of St. Stanislaus
New Member Registration form (PDF)
Please fill out the form and submit it to the church office, drop in the collection basket or email to