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Dear People Whom God Loves,


We are now in a position to see how we can preserve the “awesome” of some previous ideas of God and at the same time remove the fear.  This is the fear that prevents us from experiencing the closeness of God.

The scripture tells us that God is Love.  Not just that God loves us, but that to be God is to be Love…indeed infinite Love.

Love (God) is not a supreme being.  God is not a being.  God is deeper than being.  God is the spirit/love that is not a being but the source of being.  Love is the source of the original being, the tiny speck which exploded (the big bang) about 13.5 billion years ago.  That explosion finally resulted in the stars; the innumerable galaxies in our universe.  That explosion would not have resulted in the galaxies if the expansion rate that allowed this had not be infinitesimally precise.

The explosion of stars produced the carbon that makes life possible.  One of the stars is our sun.  The energy of the sun allows life to grow upon our earth until we humans appeared through the guiding love that worked through evolution.  Love continues to permeate the universe and all of us.  Our tradition speaks of that presence in us humans as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The “Book of Genesis” speaks of this awesomeness using the understanding of the world in ancient times.  The story of the universe we have today is even more awesome.  We tremble in the face of that Mysterious Love.  As William J. O’Malley says, “Wow”.

The awesomeness increases.  This incredible, infinite, mysterious Love loves me.  “Wow”.  That Love also loves every human being and every bit of creation.  Awesome Love can lead us into a new vision of life and everything.

I would like to close with an image:
We kneel and bow in awe before Love.
Love opens her arms and tells us to stand.
Love says I want to hold you and I want you to hug me back.

From my perspective, this is what spirituality and religion is all about.  It is the big love story.  Our wonderful and little love stories draw their inspiration and power from it.

Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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