Children’s Ministry

Religious Education/CCD Classes
Our Children’s Religious Education Mission is to:

Help children learn about God/Jesus
Help children learn who they are (the beloved children of God)
Help children form a meaningful, lifelong relationship with God/Jesus
Our program aims to help children “find God in all things” (St. Ignatiaus).  We try to accomplish this through Catholic/Christian curriculum, story, song, and sharing.

Children in kindergarten through 6th grade meet from 9-10:00 while children ages 3-5 years old meet during the 10:00 mass.  This is also the time that first graders prepare for their First Communion.  Both groups meet in the parish center (across the street from the church) on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month from October through April.

Lindsay Lopez, Education Director


Register for 3-year-olds through 6 graders will be held before and after Mass on the weekends of October 3rd/4th and 10th/11th in the Parish Center.  Registration form available HERE or at registration.

You may also contact Lindsay at 651-292-1913 or .

St. Stanislaus Child Education Testimonials

St. Stans has been a gift for my children. My boys look forward to their nurturing and engaging educational programs. The classes St. Stans offers the kids are the perfect mix of play, craft, and learning.
-Andy Andestic
(Parent of kindergarten & 2nd grader)

St. Stans has such an open, positive and encouraging atmosphere. It starts right at the front door. My granddaughter went from dragging her feet on the first day to hopping out of bed with enthusiasm and reminding me it is St. Stans day! I think it works because it is about the children’s experience and needs.
-Sylvia Belmares

Our two children continue to benefit greatly from the children’s programs at St. Stanislaus. The staff makes sure the programs are well run and children are not only learning, but have fun learning as well.
I think a great characteristic of how the staff runs the programs is the high level of understanding they have for each child. They use that knowledge to help customize the experience to maximize what a child gets out of the program.
-Greg Pickert
(Father to a 4th & 8th grader)

St. Stans has been not only our place of spiritual guidance but also a welcoming place of inclusion for all.
The religious education staff positively embraces the philosophy that “God is love.” We see this in the message that the kids relay in our daily lives and the happy faces coming into and leaving classes. Our children spend time creating, sharing ideas and stories, and giving to the church and community during class time. But the enthusiasm continues as the children want to attend other activities sponsored by the church.
The question I ask myself (as a parent): Does this activity/institution help my children to be the best they can be? I undoubtedly entrust my children to the staff and the message of the St. Stans crew.
-Laurie Pickert