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Dear People Whom God Loves,

In this final column of Angel or Beast, we will also realize that we are not in total control and that our ability to manage everything is an illusion.  It is often a tragic blow that knocks this realization into us.

We need to walk the journey with someone.  It is nearly impossible to avoid deceiving ourselves without someone to make us aware of our blind spots.  The Irish say: we need a “soul friend”.

As we grow in knowledge of ourselves, we notice changes in ourselves and various happenings in our lives that we will recognize as gifts.  We will know in a deep part of us that it was not from us.  This can open us to the belief that Love (God) is working in us and in all of creation.  This will lead us to be grateful.  This gratitude gradually lessons our pride.

This will also incline us (and it is essential that we do it) to be quiet sometime each day and rest in the Love (God) that holds us and is healing us.  It is also necessary that we do small acts of kindness and compassion.

I want to close this final column on Angels or Beasts by the reminder that no matter who we are or what we have done, we are held and cherished by Love.  There is always hope…even when we don’t realize it.

Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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