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Dear People Whom God Loves,

It helps me to understand humanness to realize that we have something in common with animals and something in common with angels.  If we try to be either animals or angels, we are distorting what it means to be human.  We will not then be happy or good and will be destructive of ourselves as well as others.

Our brains developed through the long periods of evolution.  We have what is called a “triune brain”.  The oldest part is called the brainstem.  Reptiles have only this part.  It controls our states of arousal…whether we are hungry or satiated, driven by sexual desire or relaxed with sexual satisfaction, awake or asleep.  This is part of our human brain.

Next in evolution, the limbic system developed.  This evolved about 200 million years ago with the appearance of small mammals.  This allowed for the creation of emotions.  This allows us to be drawn toward what feels good and withdraw from what feels bad.  This area is also crucial for our emotional attachment to one another.  We have the limbic system as part of our brain.

Finally in evolution, the cortex evolved.  It expanded greatly with the appearance of primates and by far the most expansion came with the appearance of humans.  The part of the cortex which is called the prefrontal cortex allows us to have ideas, concepts, insights, and moral judgments.  It is this part of the brain that distinguishes humans from the animals.

This scientific information is taken from the book Mindsight  by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.  It is helpful to remember that the older parts of our brain influence the newer part and the newer part influences the older.  The energy goes both up and down.

More next time.
Smile, God Loves You,
Father Clay

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