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Dear People Whom God Loves,

I invite you to ponder this quotation from the book Born to Believe by Andrew Newberg M.D. and Mark Robert Waidman. Dr. Newberg is an expert in the working of our human brain. This quote seems reasonable to me and pondering of it can help us not only in our individual lives but in how we form our communities. As a church leader, I need to ponder it in relation to how our parish operates.

  1. Establish a set of ideals and beliefs that insinuate your superiority over others.
  2. Provide logical justification for implementing your beliefs.
  3. Have clearly defined behaviors that the members of your group must endorse.
  4.  Reinforce steps 1, 2, and 3 as often as possible through discussion and written material until they become your primary beliefs.
  5. Have members contractually agree to the above steps-this reinforces a sense of obligation to the group and its leaders.
  6. Select a charismatic spokesperson to advertise your group and reinforce your beliefs.
  7. Create a range of punishments for those who do not conform.
  8. Emphasize the importance of conformity and punishment to help members aspire to your ideals.
  9. Insist that each member find new initiates to join the group.
  10. Institute severe penalties for those who may wish to leave the group.
  11. Limit alternative perspectives and communication between members of your group.
  12. Exclude, as much as possible, contact with people from outside the group.
  13. Identify a group that opposes your beliefs and ideals.
  14. Depersonalize and denigrate those who are not members of your group.
  15. Gradually increase hostility and aggression toward the out-group.
  16. When dealing with the “enemy”, create a sense of anonymity.
    • (a) Don’t use names for your victims.
    • (b) Give impressive titles to active members of your group.
    • (C) Wear a uniform or a mask, or paint your face.
  17. The final solution: eliminate the enemy.

My thoughts next time.

Smile, God Loves You
Father Clay

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