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Dear People Whom God Loves,

Agnosticism   This describes the belief that I don’t know whether or not God exists.  The value of this belief is that we cannot prove that God exists or that God does not exist.  Whatever stance we take, it is a belief not a proof.

Atheism  This describes the belief that God does not exist.  Sometimes this describes the belief that if you cannot prove that God exists, then God does not exist.  Notice that this is a belief and not a proof.  Sometimes that is a reflection of ideas about God that deserve to be rejected because they seem to make God into a super being that is part of the universe.  That is, something like us only far greater.  Sometimes it is a rejection of a God who is distant and vengeful.

Deism  This describes the belief that God exists.  This God is not personal but more like a force.  This force set the universe into being and let it run its course.  This force is removed from us and has no interest or involvement in the universe.  The value of this belief is that it gives an answer to the question – Why is there a universe?  Why is there something rather than nothing?  It provides little encouragement for worship or for relationship with God.

Pantheism  This describes the belief that God and nature are one and the same.  This has the value of reminding us of the intimate relationship of God with all of us and all of creation.  Remember, in all of what I write, I am making my judgments from the perspective of Christian belief about God.

Polytheism  This describes the belief that there is more than one God or that there are many Gods.  While this makes each god pretty small, it attempts to show the vastness of God.

Panentheism  This describes the belief that God is in nature and at the same time is not to be identified with nature.  In this it corresponds to our Christian belief that God is transcendent (beyond creation) and immanent (deep in creation).

More next time.

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